Monday, January 7, 2008

I'm not gonna say it

Ok. So every time it looks like we have white stuff coming our way, it ALWAYS misses us.
This week we are basking in the incredible warmth. A ridge has set up in the eastern part of the country, allowing for 70's as far north as Washington D.C.

This warmth is expected to exit us this weekend. With it's exit, comes a chance for a big storm, and I'll tell you why.
Earlier last week it was the Central Plains basking in warmth, all the way into the Dakotas. Tonight, a snowstorm, not major, but still snow looks to affect them. Thursday, we will be preparing for rain, while place like Chicago, De Moines, and Detroit, prepare for snow. Then Sunday, we will be in the 30's [hopefully] preparing for snow. The trend here is that with each storm, the cold air progresses. With Monday's storm in the Dakotas, it begins to push the cold air into the Upper Midwest.(St. Louis, De Moines, Chicago, Madison, Wi. etc). With Friday's storm in those places, it pushes the cold air into our area.

Storms tend to track along the boundary of warm and cold air, so the track of this storm will depend on the amount, and timing of the cold air. If the air is exceptionally cold, it could surpess the storm further east of us. If the air isnt cold at all, it could allow a track west of us. Right now, all indications are to pay attention to the weather for a signnificant winter storm from Asheville, NC all the way to the I-95 coridor of the Northeast. This WILL change, but at least be paying attention. I'll update as this storm draws closer, and if neccesary, will begin to post maps around Thursday, Friday.

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