Saturday, February 2, 2008


The area recently got nailed with another Ice Storm. This one, like the past two, was confined to higher elevations. This is weird. I live 2.5 miles from Cockerham's, where I work. At my house there was ice EVERYWHERE. All over everything, grass, trees, roads, mailboxes, etc. WHen I drove to work, 2 miles down the road there was NOTHING. Just rain. You see, I live on one of the higher portions of Carroll County(3000' - 32000'). Cockerhams is about 500 ft. (2600') lower than my house. I was shocked that 500 ft. made that much of a difference. We went from broken tree limbs at my house, to wet tree limbs at Cockerhams. I went to Galax later that day, (which is only 2500") and was shocked to find the same conditions as were at my house. Galax is in more of a sheltered valley, so this makes sense. It was weird to say the least. Power outages were common across the County.

Warm up next week or two, then coldy and storm for the last part of winter.